Natural Migraine Relief: Supplements That Can Make a Difference

Mar 03, 2025
 Natural Migraine Relief: Supplements That Can Make a Difference
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything for your chronic migraine without much improvement? These natural supplements could be your best remedy. Keep reading to learn more.

If you’ve experienced a migraine attack, you know how debilitating it can be. The intense headache, nausea, and light sensitivity can stop you from getting any work done or enjoying your free time.

Migraines are relatively common, with 12-15% of the world population experiencing them. For 1-2% of people, migraines happen at least 15 days a month. This is called chronic migraine, and it can be challenging to treat. 

At Delaware NeuroRehab in Dover, Delaware, our multidisciplinary team can help you find an effective way to manage your migraines and reduce their impact on your life. We often treat chronic migraine with botulinum toxin, or Botox®, which reduces nerve activity. But sometimes, treating migraines isn’t so straightforward. 

Perhaps you feel like you’ve exhausted all clinical migraine treatment options with little or no improvement. Or maybe you’ve always preferred more natural options when it comes to medicine. In any case, specific supplements might be the key to reducing your migraine frequency or intensity. 

Why choose supplements for migraine?

Your migraine-related needs and preferences are unique to you. However, there are several reasons why you might be interested in choosing natural supplements for migraine relief. Supplements:

  • Can help you cut down on medication use
  • Have natural ingredients
  • Might cause fewer side effects than medications
  • May offer benefits beyond migraine relief

Some supplements help prevent migraines, while others can reduce the intensity of an active attack. Before trying any supplement for migraine or stopping current migraine medications, it’s essential to consult with our team. 

The best supplements for migraine

Natural migraine relief may be possible with one supplement or a combination. You can use supplements on their own or in addition to migraine medications. 

Here are the supplements most commonly used for migraines: 


Magnesium supplements, especially magnesium oxide, might help prevent migraines when taken daily. Evidence suggests that magnesium works best for people who experience auras before migraines, which cause symptoms before the headache or attack phase. 

Experts believe that magnesium may prevent specific brain wave signals that cause sensory and visual changes during a migraine aura. Magnesium may also improve migraines by stopping blood vessels in the brain from narrowing and blocking certain pain-transmitting brain chemicals. 

Vitamin B2 

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) naturally helps your brain maintain its energy supply. Some experts believe that migraines disrupt this energy supply, which is why vitamin B2 might help reduce migraine frequency and severity. 

Your migraines might improve if you take doses of vitamin B2 daily for at least three months

Co-enzyme Q10

Co-enzyme Q10 is a natural antioxidant that helps your body produce energy for your brain and muscles. The exact mechanisms for migraine treatment are unknown, but clinical trials have shown that high doses of daily Q10 can reduce the severity, frequency, and duration of migraines. 

Co-enzyme Q10 might not be safe to take when you’re pregnant.

What to consider

Although these supplements for migraines have the most evidence to support their effectiveness, you might find that other supplements improve your migraines, too. No matter which supplement you decide to try, keep in mind that it takes time and consistency to see results.

Be sure to use supplements according to our recommendations. You can get supplements without a prescription, but they can interact with some medications. 

To discover natural migraine remedies and supplements, call Delaware NeuroRehab or request an appointment online today.